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2024 Benchmarks Report

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Average Month over Month Growth



Media & Entertainment

Media & Entertainment

Financial Services

Financial Services







Slower than average product growth was the norm in the Technology industry.

Both B2B and B2C technology experienced a downturn in 2023, resulting in layoffs and slower MoM growth compared to previous years.

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Only a few experienced steady growth in Media & Entertainment, while others struggled to grow at all.

Among strikes and other hurdles, consumers continue to cut back on non-essential expenses post-COVID. This is leading many to suggest that Media & Entertainment growth is actually returning to pre-pandemic levels.

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Financial services saw growth industry-wide, and some grew much more quickly than others.

More consumers and businesses are continuing to go cashless and, in turn, accelerating the adoption of digital payment solutions and mobile banking.

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Top performers stood out and surpassed the cross-industry average growth rate.

In the post-pandemic world, there is a growing trend of consumers preferring online shopping over traditional retail due to convenience, 24hr accessibility, and a wider product selection.

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Top Healthcare performers didn’t grow that much faster than the average company.

This is likely due to increased competition in the space as telehealth becomes more sophisticated, accessible, and widely accepted by both healthcare providers and patients.

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Growth was strong industry-wide this year, with rapid growth for top performers.

Mobile gaming in particular continued to expand for Mixpanel companies. An increasing number of higher quality mobile games likely fueled rapid growth in the Gaming industry.

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Industry benchmarks are critically important for companies of all sizes to understand. Knowing what ‘good’ and ‘great’ look like helps teams set goals, spot areas for improvement…and allocate resources efficiently.
Andrew Chen
General Partner at a16z

Week One Retention 2022 - 2023

What percentage of users return to use the product after one week?
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All industries saw a double-digit drop in week one retention in 2023 compared to 2022.

Compare how your business performed across the board from marketing acquisition to product engagement, stickiness, retention, and beyond.

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We put Mixpanel to work to uncover key insights to make your business more effective. The report analyzes results from startups to enterprise companies across six key industries.

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In a turbulent 2023, more data questions were asked than ever before. Mixpanel is here to help you find clarity in the chaos of that increasing data.

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more Mixpanel reports created to answer your questions in 2023

More organizations are using tools like Mixpanel to…leverage data in their product, marketing, and overall business decisions.
Glenn Vanderlinden
Cofounder at Human37

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Want to see how you measure up? Download the full report to see benchmarks for your industry in key performance indicators like engagement, activation, retention, and marketing performance.
Quantitative data for the 2024 Mixpanel Benchmarks Report was generated from analyzing anonymized Mixpanel usage among Mixpanel customers in 2022 and 2023. Mixpanel customers who opted out of anonymous data sharing were not included in this analysis.
Mixpanel does not guarantee the accuracy of any third-party quotes and insights collected and published in this report.