Marie Lamonde Content Marketing Specialist at DashThisBy analyzing our users’ behaviors, we’re able to learn what they use our product for, how they understand it, and why they tried it. This gives us the knowledge necessary to not only reach the right kind of audience, but also understand our clients and offer them a better experience.
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DashThis offers marketing reporting software that creates automated reports for tracking and organizing analytics, search engine marketing (SEM), and search engine optimization (SEO) data. As a SaaS company, it takes the “service” part of the job as seriously as the “software” part.
The company empowers marketers to create digital marketing dashboards easily and share them with their team and clients automatically. As a SaaS company, DashThis takes the “service” part of the job as seriously as the “software” part. To make sure its users have a positive experience, the company closely monitors how customers use its tools to identify room for improvement.
DashThis knew it needed a powerful tool to quickly analyze all the data it receives from its 18,000+ customers. The company was excited to find that Mixpanel had the infrastructure it needed, and that it was easy to implement and use. “Mixpanel offers every type of analysis we need, all in the same place, which saves us so much time,” said Marie.
With the help of Mixpanel, the company wanted to build better campaigns that would bring in quality leads that convert from free to paid. The company also wanted to optimize the onboarding experience to prevent drop-off.
DashThis empowers marketers to create digital marketing dashboards that can be shared within the company, as well as with outside agents. To make sure DashThis users have a positive experience, project managers closely monitor how customers use their tools so they can identify any likely room for improvements. “We work in the realm of marketing data reporting, so gathering data is not just important for us internally, it’s actually the entire purpose of our business,” said Marie Lamonde, content marketing specialist at DashThis.
DashThis had a three-tier approach to its conversion problems. First, the team compared paid-conversion funnel completions by source. Then, they optimized advertising campaigns based on targeted keywords. And finally, they made UX modifications to stages of onboarding.
Improving free-to-paid conversions
DashThis saw that its Google advertising was driving free trials, but not nearly enough paid conversions. Google Analytics didn’t provide an explanation for why users were abandoning the platform after their trial. To gain these crucial insights, the team went to Mixpanel so they could compare funnel completion by source.
With Funnels reports, project managers at DashThis could clearly see that some campaigns were generating free trials, but they didn’t result in paid conversions. The team identified two reasons for conversion failures: the onboarding experience was suboptimal and keyword usage and targeting in the Google AdWord campaigns was inefficient.
Based on these findings, the marketing team optimized their Google campaigns and allocated resources to ads that were bringing in quality leads. “Since we’re continuously analyzing our ROI we’re able to create better and better campaigns over time,” said Marie. “So our ad results are always improving.” DashThis also optimized campaigns based on targeted keywords and developed a new and improved AdWords structure. “Thanks to these changes, our paid ads have become one of our best performing channels,” said Marie. “Prior to Mixpanel, it was our worst-performing channel.”
Fixing the onboarding experience
Product managers took a deeper look at each step of the onboarding funnel. Again, their Mixpanel Funnels reports saved the day. They highlighted several ways DashThis team members could improve the free-to-paid conversion process. Knowing where their users were having difficulties, project managers made UX modifications, including optimizing steps and adding educational pop-ups to help guide users further through the funnel. As a result, key metrics shot up. Improvements to ad campaigns and the onboarding process raised funnel completions and conversions for trial-to-paid users by 50%.