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Mixpanel Supplier Code of Conduct

Mixpanel, Inc., its affiliates and subsidiaries (collectively “Mixpanel”) is committed to socially responsible, professional, and ethical business practices and endeavors to align these commitments with its purchasing decisions. As a result, Mixpanel requires its suppliers, vendors, and contractors to exhibit exemplary social responsibility in their conduct. While applicable local customs, laws, rules, and regulations may vary by country, the importance of human rights is a global concern and this Mixpanel supplier code of conduct (“Supplier Code of Conduct”) is intended to reflect that importance. The supplier and any affiliate of such supplier included in the scope of services provided or performed for Mixpanel (“Supplier”) agrees to comply with this Supplier Code of Conduct in connection with the services that it provides to, or performs for, Mixpanel under any applicable services engagement agreement, order form, or statement of work referencing this Supplier Code of Conduct.

1. Prohibition of child labor

Work by children under the age of 16 is strictly prohibited under this Supplier Code of Conduct. Supplier will not participate in any involuntary or forced child labor that is likely to jeopardize such children’s physical, mental, or moral health or safety in violation of applicable laws, rules, and regulations. Additionally, work should not be done by anyone under the age of 18 if such work will or is likely to be detrimental to such child’s physical, mental, or moral health or safety.

2. Prohibition of forced labor

Supplier will not: (a) use forced labor, slavery, servitude or trafficking of human beings; (b) withhold identity papers or work permits; or (c) require workers to deposit a bond, work to repay a debt owed to the Supplier or to a third party, or use any other similar constraint. All of Supplier’s workers must be entitled to accept or leave their employment freely.

3. Prohibition of illegal, clandestine, and undeclared employment

Supplier is required to comply with all applicable regulations to prevent illegal, clandestine, and undeclared employment.

4. Prohibition of harassment and abuse

Supplier must treat its workers with respect and dignity. Supplier must not tolerate or engage in any form of corporal punishment, physical, sexual, verbal or psychological harassment or any other kind of abuse.

5. Prohibition of discrimination

Supplier shall treat all workers equally and fairly. Supplier may not engage in discrimination–in particular with regards to wages, hiring, access to training, promotion, parental leave protection and termination–based on sex, race, or ethnic origin, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, political affiliation, union membership, nationality, gender identity or social background.

6. Wages and benefits

Supplier must, at a minimum, pay wages on a regular basis and no less than monthly for employees. Supplier must compensate workers for overtime hours at the legal rate and meet all legal requirements relating to worker benefits. If there is no legal minimum wage or rate for overtime pay in the country concerned, the Supplier must ensure that the wages are at least equal to the average minimum in the relevant industrial sector and that overtime pay is at least the same as the usual hourly compensation. Wage deductions shall not be used as a disciplinary measure. Mixpanel requires its suppliers to ensure that all workers receive benefits stipulated in any applicable collective bargaining agreements, company agreements, and other applicable negotiated individual or collective agreements.

7. Working hours

Suppliers must comply with all local laws and regulations applicable with respect to working hours, which shall not in any case exceed the maximum set by internationally recognized standards such as the United Nations’ International Labour Organization. Supplier may not impose excessive overtime hours. The total number of hours worked per week including overtime may not exceed legal limits. Workers are entitled to the minimum number of days off established by applicable laws and at minimum must have at least one day off in every seven-day period.

8. Freedom of association

Supplier is required to respect and recognize the right of its workers to negotiate collectively, and to create or join labor organizations of their choice without any discrimination, harassment, or retaliation.

9. Ensuring health and safety

Supplier is expected to provide its workers with a safe and healthy workplace environment in order to avoid accidents or bodily injuries which may be caused by, related to, or result from their work, including during the operation of equipment or during work-related travel. Supplier is required to comply with all applicable local and international regulations related to implementing and maintaining procedures and trainings to detect, avoid, and mitigate hazards that constitute a risk to the health, hygiene, and safety of staff.

10. Environmental commitment

Supplier shall comply with local and international environmental regulations enacted to regulate air emissions, solid and waste-water disposal, proper use and disposal of hazardous substances, and responsibly manage consumption of energy, water, paper, and other resources used in day-to-day operations.

11. Non-Compliance

The Supplier has read, understands, and agrees to this Mixpanel Supplier Code of Conduct. It is understood that failure to abide by this Supplier Code of Conduct may result in the cancellation by Mixpanel of any outstanding orders and a refusal to do business in any manner with the Supplier. Supplier will promptly notify Mixpanel in writing by email to compliance@mixpanel.com in the event that it can no longer comply with or is in material violation of any provision of this Supplier Code of Conduct.