Figma on building usability into powerful products
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Figma on building usability into powerful products

Figma on building usability into powerful products
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Maverick Lee
Product Manager @ Mixpanel
Last Edited:
Jul 19, 2024
May 16, 2024

What do Figma and FigJam deliver to users, and what sort of technical challenges do you face?

How do you balance the desire to have a powerful product with the need to prioritize simplicity or usability? Does that differ between Figma and FigJam?

When designing a new feature, how do you determine whether you’ve gotten it right?

How do you balance qualitative feedback versus quantitative feedback? For example, let's say you built a feature that users love, but it drives your diversity of feature metric down. How do you balance those things?

What are some of the performance metrics you look at?

How do you decide to add a particular new feature, knowing it might risk making the product more complicated?

How did you decide to have six items in the toolbar rather than more or less?

How do you conduct user testing?

When conducting user testing sessions, do you test a bunch of things at once, or focus on individual things?

How do you measure overall usability at Figma?

If internal feedback is saying something different than external feedback, how do you weigh those opinions?

How do you balance the needs of different user personas like engineers and product managers?

Can you speak to a time you’ve identified that something needed improvements and describe how you improved it?

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Maverick Lee
Maverick Lee
Product Manager @ Mixpanel