How to Build

How Segment avoids user onboarding drag for its technical product

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Laura Krieger
Product Manager @ Mixpanel
Last Edited:
May 14, 2024
Feb 23, 2024

Let’s get right into it: What are some of the challenges Segment faces with onboarding?

What does use case-driven onboarding look like?

How does Segment measure success here?

Analytics for everyone.

What are the challenges of getting these measurements?

What’s been the biggest drop-off area you’ve seen for your onboarding?

What check-in points can you have to make sure users are onboarding at a good pace?

What do you do when a recently onboarded customer isn’t as active as you’d like them to be?

And if all of that still doesn’t work?

How do you design an onboarding experience that works for more than one persona?

What does “show not tell” look like for the technical persona?

How do you decide when and how to offer help to the technical persona?

And for the non-technical persona?

Can a non-technical person follow along with a technical teammate? Should they even try?

What are your thoughts on the gamification trend in user onboarding?

How can you make the most of your internal resources?

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Laura Krieger
Laura Krieger
Product Manager @ Mixpanel