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The 2024 Mixpanel Benchmarks Report is here

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Daniel Bean
Managing Editor @ Mixpanel
Last Edited:
Jun 14, 2024
Jan 17, 2024

Our 2024 Benchmarks Report explores what average and best-in-class digital product growth looks like in your industry. Get the report now.

Andrew Chen, General Partner at a16z and former growth leader at Uber: "Industry benchmarks are critically important for companies of all sizes to understand. Knowing what ‘good’ and ‘great’ look like helps teams set goals, spot areas for improvement
and allocate resources efficiently."
A chart that shows month over month growth for six industries in 2022 vs 2023. Technology and Media & Entertainment fell the furthest, dropping 3.5% and 5.5% year over year, respectively. Financial Services, Ecommerce, Healthcare, and Gaming all showed growth increases between 1% and 1.5%.
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Key takeaways

Growth rates varied widely between industries

Retention rates fell across all industries

The top 10% performed more than twice as well

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Daniel Bean
Daniel Bean
Managing Editor @ Mixpanel