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Feature Flags, Remote Config, A/B Testing

A / B Testing / Experimentation, Feature Flagging

Developed by: Flagsmith

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About Flagsmith

Flagsmith makes it easy to create and manage feature flags across web, mobile, and server-side applications. This lets you adopt modern development practices with confidence. Decouple deploy and release with canary deployments, A/B tests, kill switches, and more. Flagsmith offers flexible deployments: Use our hosted service, deploy to your own private cloud, or run on-prem.

Flagsmith and Mixpanel

You can easily integrate Flagsmith with Mixpanel. The integration automatically sends the flag states for identified users into Mixpanel for cohort analysis, A/B testing and more. The process is three simple steps:

1) Get the Mixpanel Project Environment ID

2) Add the Project Token into Flagsmith

3) All API calls will send flag evaluations to Mixpanel


Flagsmith Application
Demo user in Flagsmith
Flagsmith data in Mixpanel

Use cases

  • Feature Flag Analytics in Mixpanel

    When you integrate Flagsmith with Mixpanel, the integration automatically sends the flag states for identified users into Mixpanel for cohort analysis, A/B testing and more.

  • Analytics for your A/B Testing experiments

    With the Flagsmith and Mixpanel integration, you can create segments of your users and see how they reacted to different feature variations. Coupling A/B testing in Flagsmith and analytics in Mixpanel can help improve your user experience.

  • Cohort analytics in Mixpanel

    Track how different users perform based on the features they have been shown and the groups you have them associated with in Mixpanel.