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Data Warehouse
Events out of Mixpanel

About Microsoft Azure

The Azure cloud platform is designed to help you bring new solutions to life. Build, run, and manage applications across multiple clouds, on-premises, and at the edge, with the tools and frameworks of your choice.
The Azure Blob Storage is a massively scalable and secure object storage for cloud-native workloads, archives, data lakes, high-performance computing, and machine learning.

Microsoft Azure and Mixpanel

Azure Blob export provides the following functionality:

  • Schedule hourly or daily exports
  • Export, parse, and extract schemas from the data on schedule
  • Clean and transform data into JSON or parquet formats
  • Provide a backwards compatible AVRO schema

Next you can use the Mixpanel Data Pipelines add-on to export the data. Mixpanel then uploads the data to Azure Blob Storage on a recurring basis.

Use cases

  • Use cases for integration

    By exporting to Azure Blob Storage it enables the use of SQL to query your Mixpanel data, either for expressing new types of queries or for joining against other data already present in your data environment.