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Voice-of-the-Customer | Net Promoter Score (NPS), CSAT, and CES surveys triggered by Mixpanel events.

Customer Success, Surveys, User Experience
Events out of Mixpanel, Support of Mixpanel's EU Servers

About Wootric

Understand user emotion and the “why” behind user behavior with voice-of-the-customer feedback and analytics. Wootric is customer experience management for high growth B2B and B2C software-as-service and companies in digital transformation. Over 1200 brands worldwide understand and improve the post-acquisition customer journey with Wootric’s customer lifetime value-focused approach.

Wootric and Mixpanel

Webhooks trigger Wootric microsurveys based on Mixpanel events. Survey users in your web or mobile product, or via email or SMS. Alternatively, use Mixpanel Messenger to send a survey link to a user. Segment metrics and feedback by any user property in the Wootric analytics and reporting platform. Use insights to prioritize improvements to user experience that will drive business outcomes.

Use cases

  • Drive customer lifetime value by improving ease, satisfaction, and loyalty.

    – Uncover bottlenecks to engagement: Trigger a Customer Effort Score survey after onboarding, purchase, or other milestones. – Improve experience: Trigger CSAT surveys to measure user satisfaction of products and services. – Boost retention: Trigger an NPS survey to assess loyalty and identify users at risk of churn.