How to Build

How we use ‘shaping’ to accelerate time to market

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Vijay Jayaram
Senior Director of Product @ Mixpanel
Last Edited:
Feb 20, 2025
Mar 23, 2022

The problems that led us to adopt shaping

What exactly is shaping?

How we use shaping to accelerate product development 

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1. Explore

2. Shape

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3. Build

4. Reflect

5. Cooldown

The six-week element, explained

Why enforce a strict time box?

How is this different from each six-week cycle being a milestone?

What if my goal will take more than six weeks to achieve?

What about interrupts or delays?

Should we really cancel projects that take more than six weeks? What if we only need two to three more weeks?

What if a project will take less than six weeks? Like four weeks?

Shouldn’t we focus more on building high-quality products than meeting deadlines?

What if I can’t plan ahead well because my product area is new and/or experimental and it’s unclear what the end state should be without building something?

How do you balance long-term thinking vs six-week cycles?

Where product analytics comes in

1. You need a deep understanding of your users in aggregate to make good decisions about which product flows to prioritize as critical vs. leave out as “nice to have” 

2. You can use data to assess both the scope and severity of the problem 

3. Finally, every product bet is a learning opportunity

Shaping your way to a better product

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Vijay Jayaram
Vijay Jayaram
Senior Director of Product @ Mixpanel