Want to be a data-informed company? Here’s why self-serve analytics is key.

Want to be a data-informed company? Here’s why self-serve analytics is key.

Want to be a data-informed company? Here’s why self-serve analytics is key.
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Last Edited:
Jun 26, 2024
Jun 26, 2024

Self-serve analytics is a broad term describing tools, systems, and processes that democratize access to data insights and allow non-technical users to conduct analysis. Unlike self-serve data monitoring, self-serve analytics allows you to dig deeper into what’s happening to build hypotheses and make business decisions. 

What is self-serve analytics?

Self-serve data monitoring vs. self-serve analytics

With self-serve analytics, it's possible for non-technical users to create reports that compare data and point toward answers, like this Funnel in Mixpanel.

Self-serve analytics tools and technologies

An event schema can be mapped from a lot of the same elements of a traditional star schema.

Self-serve analytics examples

GoDaddy: “Data-fueled discussion informs everything” 

Ancestry: “Everyone can use data to be more strategic”

SuperPlay: “Democratizing access to key data across the company”

Yelp: “An ‘intuition pump’ for our product team”

TaskRabbit: “What used to take an hour or more now takes just a second”

The best component for growing a data-driven culture

Analytics for everyone.
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