MAU, WAU, and DAU: Why should we care about ‘active’ users?

MAU, WAU, and DAU: Why should we care about ‘active’ users?

MAU, WAU, and DAU: Why should we care about ‘active’ users?
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Neha Nathan
Product Manager @ Mixpanel
Last Edited:
Jul 26, 2024
Sep 23, 2022

MAU stands for “monthly active users.” It’s a metric that captures the number of users that have done something meaningful in your product in the last 30 days/calendar month, but it can also power advanced analysis like conversion and retention rates that show how “sticky” or valuable a product truly is.

Monthly active users (MAU): A definition


<em>Robust analytics platforms like Mixpanel give you the flexibility to customize MAU measurement by using a wide variety of variables so that it’s relevant to a specific business, product, or app.</em>

How to calculate MAU

How to measure MAU in Mixpanel 

Measuring stickiness: The DAU/MAU ratio

Beyond the DAU/MAU ratio: The power user curve

Showing a power user curve, which is shaped like a smile, in Mixpanel

How MAU impacts product performance

MAU and retention

A diagram that shows how to get a customer retention rate by dividing the number of customers at the start of a period by the number of customers at the beginning of a period minus the number of customers acquired during a period

MAU and engagement 

MAU and paid conversions

MAU and revenue

Active users and their relevance in the current product-led growth era

Build better products.
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Neha Nathan
Neha Nathan
Product Manager @ Mixpanel